Drag Racing Career
53nd Annual World Series of Drag Racing
Cordova Dragway Park in Cordova, Illinois
August 2006

Crewmen behind the car watching it launch: in the orange Animal Jim shirt
is Brandon Rowatt, a Route 66 starter. Directly behind the car in the yellow Animal Jim shirt is Al Thompson who is the owner of
ATR in Joliet, Illinois.

When the race got rained out at Route 66 the night of the Cordova World Series, Operations Director Chris McMahon
filled his big Caddy with some of AJ's fellow Route 66 staff members and sped down I-80 doing over 100 mph
in order to help Jim out and also watch the race. Chris is the tall guy directly behind
the car and next to him is one of the Fire Safety Personnel from Route 66.

Animal Jim's crew chief of 25+ years, Al Schmitt, backing AJ up after the burnout for the first run against Arnie Beswick.

Arnie Beswick and Animal Jim doing a burnout to prepare for the second match of the day.
This booking was Beswick's big comeback race after he got burned in 2003. Arnie's car accident happened 3 weeks before the 2003 World Series where he
was scheduled to race with Animal. Fortunately, Eric Larson was able to fill in for that event
and race against Animal with his "Grocery Getter" 1962 Tempest wagon - A Beswick Tribute car he was campaigning.